Hallmark Merry Miniature’s Alice in Wonderland


This is a five piece set of miniature Alice in Wonderland figurines. Alice, the Red Queen, the Mad Hatter, Cheshire cat, and the White rabbit. It did not come in it’s box. I found this set at a garage sale in Northville, NY this year for 75 cents. The set is only worth about $5 but it’s definitely one of my favorite recent additions. Very cute!

The Best of Lewis Carroll


This book contains Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, The Hunting of the Snark, A Tangled Tale, Phantasmagoria, and Nonsense from Letters. The illustrations are by John Tenniel and Henry Holiday. The book is hardcover with a really lovely dust jacket. The ISBN is 0-89009-700-3

The Holly Story Book Library: Alice in Wonderland

dscf0250This is a 1966 copy of Alice in Wonderland put out by the Holly Story Book Library. It has no ISBN and I can’t seem to find any information about it onlin. It was illustrated by R.Garcia and published by The World Publishing Company. I think the book is incredibly cute even thouh Alice does look like she’s dressed for Christmas and I don’t know why she’s wearing combat boots. But hey it’s okay! It’s Alice in Wonderland, so it doesn’t matter. This is one of the cutest non Disney books in my collection.

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor


I read this book earlier this year due to it being reccommended to me by a livejournal community. I thouroughly enjoyed Beddor’s approach. It reminded me somewhat of American Mcgee’s video game “Alice.” Some of the dialogue was somewhat juvenile but then again it is a young adult book so that’s to be expected. I enjoyed all the characters aside from Dodge, I found him to be a little annoying. I’ve read the second book and will post that within the next week or two. I’ve heard rumors of a movie coming out and it’ll be interesting to see how the books translate on screen.

A Golden Classic: Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass


I recently picked this book up at a new used book store near Saratoga. It’s A Golden Classic and has some really lovely illustrations in it by Kathy Mitchell. It was a little more expensive then I wanted to pay at a used bookstore but my dad bought it for me because he’s a nice guy like that. The ISBN on this book is 0-307-17111-6

Lewis Carroll: Looking-Glass Letters


This is a collection of letters by Lewis Carroll and it’s also kind of a miniature biography. I read it in one day and thouroughly enjoyed it. It really gives you some insight into his life and relationships with people. I definitely learned a lot from this book and would reccommend it to any fan of Lewis Carroll. The ISBN is 1855850389.